Aalst – Irish Guards (9)

The people of Aalst welcomes army units of the Irish Guards, 18 November 1944.
Then image: ?
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Aalst – Irish Guards (8)

The population of Aalst welcomes army units of the Irish Guards, 18 November 1944.
Then image: Collectie / Archief : Fotocollectie Van de Poll
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel


Allied tank from the Grenadier Guards on the market square in Waalre on 18 September 1944.
Then image: Erfgoed Waalre
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Aalst – Irish Guards (7)

More people of Aalst posing with a soldier of the Irish Guards at 18 September 1944.
Then image: National Archive / Willem van de Poll
Now image: www.nowstalgia.eu / Cor Sleutel

Aalst – Irish Guards (6)

Along the side of the road during the entry of the Irish Guards in Aalst, 18 September 1944.
Then image: http://www.gahetna.nl
Collection/Fotoarchive: Fotocollectie Van de Poll (free domain)
Now image: WW2 Then in Now, Cor Sleutel

Aalst – Irish Guards (5)

Inhabitants of Aalst posing with soldiers of the Irish Guards; the children have British and American paper flags, 18 September 1944.
Then image: http://www.gahetna.nl
Collection/Archive: Fotocollectie Van de Poll (free domain)
Now image: WW2 Then in Now, Cor Sleutel

Aalst – Irish Guards (4)

Tankunits from the Irish Guards take position on a junction in Aalst, 18 September 1944.
Then image: www.gahetna.nl
National Archives, Netherlands
Author: Poll, Willem van de
Now image: WW2 Then in Now, Cor Sleutel


Aalst – Irish Guards (3)

Tankunits from the Irish guards before a heavily damaged bakery in Aalst, 18 september 1944.
Then image: www.gahetna.nl
National Archives, Netherlands
Author: Poll, Willem van de
Now image: WW2 Then in Now, Cor Sleutel

Aalst – Irish Guards (2)

Irish Guards in Aalst (near Eindhoven), The Netherlands, 18 september 1944
Then image: Nationaal Archief
Archive : Photocollection Van de Poll
Free Domain
Now image: WW2 Then in Now, Cor Sleutel

Aalst – Irish Guards (1)

Irish Guards in Aalst (near Eindhoven), The Netherlands, 18 september 1944
Then image: Nationaal Archief
Archive : Photocollection Van de Poll
Free Domain