Soviet Officer on a metro bridge in the suburb of Lichtenberg in April 1945 besides the sign Berlin Bleibt Deutsch or Berlin remains German after the battle for the city.
Berlin – Lichtenberg
Soviet Officer on a metro bridge in the suburb of Lichtenberg in April 1945 besides the sign Berlin Bleibt Deutsch or Berlin remains German after the battle for the city.
Refugees on the Wilhelmstrasse in Berlin, passing by the Airforce ministery from Herman Goering, during the battle for the city of Berlin.
Then image:
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / J. Dortmundt
Russian Soldier passing by the Berliner Dome after the Battle for Berlin in april 1945.
Then image: ?
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / M. Staats
Woman in the US-Army in front of the Siegessaule, Berlin acting like tourist in Berlin in the year 1945.
Then image: Life Magazine Archives – Vandivert Photographer
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / J. Dortmundt