Heythuysen (5)

“Something for the folks back home” – Pvt. Ralph Hein, Henderson, Texas, poses in front of this windmill in Heythuysen, Holland, for Pvt. Richardson, Russellville, Little Rock, Ark. 27 February, 1945.
Then image: US Signal Corps / SC 201705
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / G. Kailuhu – Cor Sleutel

Leveroy (3)

Canadian or British troops passing the village of Leveroy around November 1944. They are welcomed by the locals.
Then image: Life Magazine – George Sik
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Heythuysen (4)

Allied Soldiers after the liberation in Heythuysen around november 1944. The slogan reads “Wir kapitulieren nie” or “We do not surrender” and was still there in 1973.
Note: The building burned down in 1973 and was fully renovated.
Then image: © Archief Heemkundevereniging Heythuysen
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Heythuysen (3)

Text under construction
Then image: LIFE Magazine – George Silk
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Leveroy (2)

Young boy photographed by George Silk from Life Magazine when units from the 5th battalion Black Watch regiment entered the village of Leveroy on 15 November 1944.
Then image: LIFE Magazine – George Silk
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Heythuysen (2)

Tanks arrive in Heythuysen around 15 November 1944. During the night of November 14 to 15, many walls in Heythuysen were decorated with slogans like this. This slogan reads: Am ende steht der deutschen sieg! or In the end there is German Victory!
Then image: LIFE Magazine – George Silk
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Leveroy (1)

On 15 November 1944 the first units from the 5th battalion Black Watch regiment entered the village of Leveroy.
Then image: IWM (Imperial War Museum)
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Heythuysen (1)

British Troops entering the city of Heythuysen, november 1944.
Then image: Imperial War Museum
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Blerick – Pontanusstraat (2)

Streetfights in the Pontanusstraat in 1944 during operation Nutcracker in Blerick a suburb of Venlo.
Then image: ?
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel


Blerick – Antoniuslaan

Scottish soldiers of the infantry in action during Operation Nutcracker.
Street were cleared of the presence of German soldiers.
In the background we see houses on the Antoniuslaan that
were destroyed during the bombardment earlier in the day.
Then image:http://wo2venlo.nl/venlo-1944-1945-de-bevrijding-van-blerick/
Now image: www.nowstalgia.eu / Cor Sleutel