Rheinberg (1)

American tank destroyers of the 8th Armored Division of the Ninth U.S. Army line a street of Rheinberg, Germany. 6 March, 1945.
Note: See the Feind hort mit or the Enemy is listening sign on the advertising column,
Then image: US Signal Corps / SC 335575
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Heythuysen (4)

Allied Soldiers after the liberation in Heythuysen around november 1944. The slogan reads “Wir kapitulieren nie” or “We do not surrender” and was still there in 1973.
Note: The building burned down in 1973 and was fully renovated.
Then image: © Archief Heemkundevereniging Heythuysen
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Heythuysen (3)

Text under construction
Then image: LIFE Magazine – George Silk
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Viersen (1)

On 1st March 1945 the American military column arrive in Viersen, Germany.
Note: Below the left swastika the slogan reads: Unser Glaube – Der Führer.
It’s hard to read how the slogan finished below the rigth swastika.
Then image: ?
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Heythuysen (2)

Tanks arrive in Heythuysen around 15 November 1944. During the night of November 14 to 15, many walls in Heythuysen were decorated with slogans like this. This slogan reads: Am ende steht der deutschen sieg! or In the end there is German Victory!
Then image: LIFE Magazine – George Silk
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Krefeld (2)

German civilians who have been living in an air raid shelter with the slogan on the wall that reads Frauenarbeit hilft waffen schmieden or Women’s work helps forge weapons in Krefeld, Germany, pack up their stuff and leave the town, 3 March, 1945.
Then image: Signal Corps – SC 201560-S
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel

Berlin – Lichtenberg

Soviet Officer on a metro bridge in the suburb of Lichtenberg in April 1945 besides the sign Berlin Bleibt Deutsch or Berlin remains German after the battle for the city.


Allied soldier in Trois-Vierges Luxembourg during the battle of the bulge looking at a grafitti slogan saying “Hinter der letzten schlacht dieser Krieges steht unser Sieg” or in English “Behind the last battle of this war lies our victory“.
Then image: US Signal Corps
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel – Grace Kailuhu

Kleinblittersdorf (2)

Lt. Richard H. Davis, Pensacola, Fla., Company B, 253rd Inf., 63rd Division, points to the German statement on the wall of a house with a potato masher (kitchen type). The sign reads: “Sieg Oder Sibirien” or “Victory or Siberia“.Kleinblittersdorf, Germany. 21 February, 1945.
Then image: Signal Corps / SC 411796
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel – Grace Kailuhu.

Kleinblittersdorf (1)

Pfc. Abraham Green, medic, New Haven, Conn., 253rd Regiment, 63rd Division, stops, reads and wonders at a German sign, “We fight for the future of our children“, in the town Kleinblittersdorf cleared of the enemy 21 February 1945.
Then image: US Signal Corps / SC 411797
Now image: www.NOWstalgia.EU / Cor Sleutel – Grace Kailuhu